Online shopping, like, fer duh.
Now that we’ve officially sat on our deck , we want to have something a tad more comfortable than a 2x8 board to plop our tooshies on when we are done. So, the search for the perfect bistro set has begun! For your reference, the perfect bistro set is:
- Metal
- Non-foldable
- Modern…ish or sleek and retro-ish
- Not thick, wrought iron granny-style
- Has a table tall enough to eat from (so, not a side table)
- Is less than $150
Our demands are high and I haven’t found the perfect one just yet. And trust me, I’ve combed through online shops high and low. From Pier One to Z Gallerie, everyone has failed my bistro set hunt! Here are some close contenders, though.

Not too shabby. The chairs fold, but the table doesn't, so that's nice. The green is a little annoying for my tastes, but that's nothing a can of spray paint can't fix.
The current leader, though I'm not 100% sold on it. It's just a little too curly and it doesn't look comfortable.

There's always the option of building our own, but c'mon. We're building a deck and starting on the paver patio in a week or so and I kinda want to sit on my deck the second there are floorboards. But, hubs is slowly convincing me that a poured concrete table with store bought chairs (the CB2 ones! Oh, yes!) is a possibility, if only the hardware store sells some kind of bracket. We'll see!
Des Moines: any hidden bistro set gems I'm missing? Is it possible that antique stores are my answer?
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