Friday, March 5, 2010

Dichotmy of queso

I have made peace on my journey to understanding queso. About a week ago, I was triumphant in my quest to replicate the cheesymeltyawesomeness at home. A few lessons:

Pros of making queso at home:
1. This recipe makes it very simple. (Even better: ignore the cumin and toss in some smoked paprika!)
2. I look dang good stirring melted cheese.
3. Melted cheese looks dang good on its own.
4. Unlimited supply of customizable queso.

Cons of making queso at home:
1. Unlimited supply of customizable queso. Since discovering my latent queso-making talents, I have made it two more times and we have plans to make queso again next week.

Goodbye, good cholesterol.
Things are about to get out of control in our little cheese-stocked kitchen.


  1. I would gladly have a queso intervention. Just drop off all of your queso at my house. Gracias!

  2. Your thoughtfulness never ceases to amaze me, ma'am!


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