It's been a slow process, but with the office being closed last week, I was able to undertake a big project and get very om-y results.
Remember how sad it was when I first started?
If I owned this building, I'd put in French doors and do a living roof. Alas, I am but a tenant who looks out to a rock roof.
Well, I spent three days scraping, pulling and tugging all that wallpaper off (I recommend boiling water and vinegar with a plastic putty knife. I tried a steamer (too slow) and added a perforator
It was not fun and it was not pretty. There were moments when I was afraid I'd need to flee my job and change my name because the office was a disastor area:
I found the proud signature of the hanger of the paper even and kept my mind off the tedious work by imagining how proud Kit must have been when hanging this pink paper. "I better use more glue. Light pink and gray stripes will NEVER go out of style. Who wouldn't love this?"
Sorry, Kit.
I even came dangerously close to loosing all the skin on my hands due to incredible pruneyness.
In the end, though, I was rewarded with a lovely pale green tableau upon which to hang the saddest gallery wall in the history of ever.
Check out the glorious after!
The color is a pale celery and I swear my office isn't nearly as cave-like as it looks here.
Now, I'm not finished yet. In fact, I stare at a totally blank wall most of the day.
I need to get rolling on some art. I have a few ideas in mind, but nothing I love just yet. Any ideas?
Office pimpin' ain't easy. But I did get a whole heckuva lotta work done my first day back in this bright and shiny office.
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