Monday, February 22, 2010

For never was there a tale of more schtick than that of Alexson and her swizzle stick

Yeah, I just copped some Shakespeare to discuss my signature craft item. It's been a long week, what can I say?
Last fall, after all my crafting dreams for the wedding where realized and waiting patiently in boxes waiting for their moment in the sun, I realized I didn't want to be done with making handmade touches for the big day. I had seen a really cheap and easy idea in one of the many, many ridiculously creative wedding blogs I read - flagged sizzle sticks.
One ribbon scouting trip to Archivers, two packs of kebab sticks and a few hours later, I had these.Nevermind that I had more than 200 of these bad boys for a 150 person wedding or that we only had one mixed drink on our bar menu. Let's especially ignore the fact that now, almost four months after the wedding, I still have 198 swizzle sticks in my basement. Please, focus on the prettiness.
Anyway, faced with another beer-centric event, naturally I am resurrecting my beloved swizzle sticks. They are so simple to make, it'd just be wrong to leave them off the guest list for our annual St. Pat's shindig.
Step One: Rally the troops. The troops in this case are scissors, ribbons, kebab sticks cut in half and of course, a trusty glue gun.
Step Two: Cut ribbon strips.
Step Three: Glue 'em up!
Step Four: Wrap the ribbon around the stick.
Step Five: Bevel those edges, ladypants! Without the bevel, these things are just sad.
Step Six: Perfectly frame the cat while taking a supa' fly photo of the festive swizzle sticks your friends will ignore as they sip beer.

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