Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Happy Heart Month, world!

Even though I've worked for the American Heart Association for a year and a half, I'm still shocked by this statistic:

Only 1 in 6 women recognize that heart disease is her biggest health threat. 

This is even scarier because a lot of our heart problems can be prevented - 80% of heart attacks in women could have been prevented. But, if you don't know you may be at risk, you might not be as apt to do the things that may save your life - moving more, eating better, and knowing your numbers (blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol). The sooner you can start with healthy habits, the better off you'll be.

Fun fact: Every hour you spend exercising adds two hours to your life expectancy. 

Extra fun fact: I plan on using at least half of all those extra hours I'm racking up getting pedicures, shopping for size 6 dresses (holla!) and watching Midnight in Paris until my DVD cracks - I earned it, right? 

So! Help a sister out by spreading the word. Here's how:

In Central Iowa?
Dude, we have SO. MUCH. going on this month, it's ridic. Do you want to meet the Governor? Hob nob at the fanciest event this side of I235? Zumba with dozens of your closest pals? Get a free ticket to an Iowa Energy game? We've got you covered. Check out everything that's going on at

Anywhere in Iowa?
Be sure to upload a photo of how you Go Red to one of our fantabulous Facebook pages. The winner will get their mug posted on a billboard! Don't be shy, now.
Quad Cities
And, ok. If you don't LIVE in Iowa but have always had the crazy dream of being famous in Iowa (and who hasn't?), upload your picture, too! The more the merrier.

On Twitter?
Donate your tweet this Friday (also Wear Red Day!) Just use the hashtag #TweetGoneRedFor and let the world know whose heart you Go Red for. Plus, follow us at @AHAIowa.

Just bored?
Watch this video and pass it along. It's good stuff.

Are you doing anything for Heart Month? What cause/charity gets your heart a-flutter? What would you do with your extra hours?

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