Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Last summer, we took advantage of Direct TV's deal where you can cancel service for up to six months. And we survived the long, dark winter with just Hulu and local stations.

Well, it took paying just one full bill for us to start tossing around the idea of dropping the dish for real. Forever.

$100 per month just for me to mindlessly zone out to Snooki and Jwoww once a week and binge on Bar Rescue marathons on Sundays just isn't a good value.

So, we took the plunge and as of midnight tonight, it's all over.

Now, we aren't total hippies, I mean, we love brainless entertainment as much as the next dudes. Between a Hulu Plus subscription and the recent discovery of the Amazon Prime app on the Wii, we'll still be able to unwind with some shows, but without feeling like we are paying for 200 channels we never watch.

Are you already getting your TV this way? Did I just blow your mind or am I like super behind the times? It's hard to tell.


  1. It's been almost 2 years since my husband and I ditched cable (not by choice, but as a result of big, old trees and my unwillingness to do business with Mediacom). I thought for sure it was the worst thing to ever happen to me. Turns out, the only thing I miss is Showtime.

    We have Netflix, HuluPlus, Amazon Prime and a set of bunny ears. I love that Amazon offers the option to buy the current season of most of the shows I watch so if I'm desperate, I can shell out 20 bucks and keep up to date with Mad Men. And I'm hopeful that someday in the not too distant future, premium cable channels will begin to offer an a la carte online streaming service...at which time I will be the first in line, with my wallet at the ready.

  2. It has been almost 5 years of no cable (let me put that in $$$ for you 5x12=60 months x $100=$6000 in savings). We don't have Hulu plus but we do get Netflix and we do watch the regular 5-6 programs there are and there is plenty for us to see. We still manage to have shows piled up for us to watch any given night. Good luck! You have made a great choice!

  3. We use Hulu (no plus subscription yet) and Netflix, but the best has been to have Joe's sister's HBOgo password. (It can be used on up to five devices.) I pretend I'm a no-TV person, but we definitely watch shows online a lot!
