Monday, February 21, 2011

Weekending like normal folks

With the basement project taking over every minute of time we aren't at work or sleeping, we have kind of lost touch with how all you regular people spend weekends. This has been more than a little draining.

So, we spent this last weekend taking some time off and acting like totally normal, above-ground people.

It. was. glorious.

We both took Friday afternoon off and went to a swanky Living Social-subsidized lunch at a local restaurant. I had seared ahi and reisling. For lunch, y'all. Not a Jimmy John's No. 6 (no sprouts, no cucs) and Diet Coke, as is per usual on work days. Amazing.

We also made a major Costco run, thereby marking the first grocery shopping trip we have done outside of emergency runs over the lunch hour in more than two months. Astounding.

Saturday, we did work. We're mudding and waiting 24-hours for it to dry and then mudding again, so I'll spare you the boring photos (unless you want to see what one coat, versus two coats, versus three coats of mud look like? No? Ok.). But, we also got massages, which totally saved this whole project. Aaaahhh.

Other highlights included selling all our drywall scraps on Craigslist and stumbling upon the soft reopening of our favorite neighborhood pizza place and being so excited that we ate dinner at 4:30.

While the mud is drying, we're working on built-ins for the bar and the bookshelves. Which. Is no where near as awful as I imagined. They look really good and I promise I'll post some photos soon.

That light? It's the end of the tunnel!

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