Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Get carded

(True story: I have not been carded in like a year. I'm 27, so this should surprise no one. But, when I do get carded (on those rare occasions when the waitress is either drinking herself or her manager is eagle-eyeing her), I almost want to thank the server for mistaking me for a younger version of myself. (But I don't because that's something dorky old people do and I might be old, but I'm still hip and down with it, as I think the kids say.) I'm old and clearly, all those late nights and very full red party cups becoming very empty very fast are showing.)

Moving on!

So....this is how a visibly older woman such as myself displays her Christmas cards:
The sign is one I picked up at Gordmans years ago in an after-Christmas sale (for $6! I'm thrifty and old. I'm the next Sophia Petrillo.). I use clothes pins to stick cards to it and it builds as we get closer to Christmas.

What better way to remind myself that even though I am old and worn and leathery, I still have my friends.

Get off my lawn!


  1. When I was living in a house at 24, I did yell at the neighbor kids to get off my yard...I just had to laugh at myself. Now I'm 27 living in a rental with a friend and all I want are the neighbor kids to come scoop my friggin driveway! I'd pay them to be on my lawn now :)

  2. I am 31. I don't really get that excited when I get carded, though. I just like it when I look in the mirror and still see the 25 year old me looking back! Ok, plus 15 pounds. Whatever!
