And so begins our very own Patio Palooza.
Yes folks, before we've even finished our deck, we're ripping up sod and getting geared up to build a 14x16 (ish) paver patio! No rest for the wicked up in here.
Of course, with work starting tomorrow and the bulk of it all going down this weekend, I've somehow managed to get off the hook. I leave Saturday around noon for five days in Mexico, so Hubs and a merry band of gentlemen will be the ones shoveling, leveling, shoveling again, leveling again, and so on. Yes, while I take my little sister to the beach for some R&R, Hubs and his
I feel just gut wrenched over this. I mean, I’ll be lounging around, swimming up to get margaritas while poor Hubs & Co. lay out several tons of rocks and gravel. That’s just not fair, but somehow, some way – I’ll manage.
And, a surprise for you, my darling little blog readers:
While I’m getting a wicked sunburn because no matter how many floppy hats and SPF70 (seriously?) I have on my side, beach vacations leave me lobsterish, you’ll be getting updates from the brains AND the brawn behind the operation – Hubs himself. I assume you’ll actually learn something about building a paver patio while I’m gone, which will be a shock for most of you readers. Be kind to him, he's good people.
Adios, amigos!
Just finished 400sf of patio; recommend renting a mini skid loader for the excavation/hauling. Machines are fun and make for quick work :)